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Central NY interns gain experience through jobsite visits

By July 16, 2024Central NY

Over the last few weeks, LeChase’s Central NY interns – Jack Updyke and Gianlucca Vancour – have been traveling to different jobsites throughout the region. The goal is to expose them to as many sites as possible before the end of the summer, allowing them to gain hands-on experience and an inside look at the exciting work we do at LeChase.

Their first visit was to Baldwinsville CSD, where LeChase is renovating Durgee Jr. High School and building a gym addition. They had the opportunity to speak with the project team about the coordination required when working in an occupied building.

Jack and Gianlucca also visited Fulton CSD, where LeChase is working on four different buildings. The project team showed them the rigging taking place at Lanigan Elementary School to remove and replace the existing boiler, where the team had to build a sliding gantry-style system to lift and slide the boilers out of the building.

The Central NY team plans to continue taking their interns on tours of other projects throughout the rest of the summer.