The team working on the Eastside Family YMCA expansion project recently completed a large and challenging concrete pour for the more than 15,000-SF floor of the new addition.
This pour was especially challenging due to the placement of piping and a number of other penetrations in the floor. Without the ability to use laser screeds, the team relied on traditional methods to level the pour.
Crews completed the pour in four shifts over the course of two days. Work began at 4:30 a.m. with crews uncovering the floor and removing masonry blankets to prepare for the pour. They poured and troweled until 8 p.m., then resumed the next morning, covering the completed floor with heated hose and masonry blankets to prevent freezing during the curing process.
In total, the team poured and finished 250 cubic yards of concrete over 26 hours, working against near-freezing temperatures throughout the process.