LeChase sites across New York and North Carolina held special activities, events and training as part of Construction Safety Week and National Safety Stand Down, May 6-10.
Many sites held Safety Stand Downs to address the topic of fall protection. Some also celebrated with breakfasts, lunches and safety awards ceremonies. In addition, the Durham office held a lunchtime session that expanded the topic to cover safety in the home.
Shown below are images from just some of the many sites that took time out to address safety during the week.
- Row 1: Duke University Chiller Plant (Durham), Albany Airport (Albany)
- Row 2: Duke University Alumni Center (Durham); Sands-Constellation Center for Critical Care (Rochester); Durham office fall protection training (Durham)
- Row 3: Durham office home safety session (Durham); St. James Hospital (Hornell)
- Row 4: Strong National Museum of Play (Rochester)