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Silo moves highlight project at southern tier cheese factory

Recently, LeChase crews relocated seven storage silos and removed an additional silo at a cheese manufacturing plant near Corning, NY.

LeChase also self-performed the related site work and renovations, including:

  • removing or modifying several steel catwalks and ladders,
  • placing concrete foundations to support the relocated silos,
  • opening and infilling portions of the buildings to enable new connections to the silos,
  • anchoring the silos to their new foundations, and
  • rigging and hoisting three 7,500-gallon cream tanks

LeChase Vice President Fred Thompson, who manages operations in the Corning region, noted: “Our Corning team is skilled in self-performing a variety of heavy industrial tasks – consistently completing the jobs safely and efficiently.”

Mike Thompson was project manager for LeChase on the silo project, with Superintendent Andy Knight serving as project lead and Mansfield Crane Service assisting in the relocation work. The silos were moved from the plant’s Fiorlat building to the adjacent main production building. Three silos were 60,000-gallon, stainless-steel units, while three others were 40,000-gallon steel units. In addition, one 10,000-gallon stainless steel silo was moved from inside the Fiorlat building to inside the production building.

Work was completed over a 12-day period, with plant operations shutdown for only a single day to enable cranes to safely hoist silos over the plant.